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Contact Info

123/A, Miranda City Likaoli Prikano, Dope United States

+0989 7876 9865 9


Welcome to the Radiology Department at Ramya Hospitals, where our ongoing dedication and passion form the cornerstone of our commitment to providing exceptional diagnostic and imaging services.


Our Radiology Department is committed to delivering comprehensive and cutting-edge imaging services to aid in accurate diagnosis and treatment procedures. We endeavour to provide the finest quality of treatment to our patients by using state-of-the-art equipment supported by a team of expert radiologists.
Radiologists with extensive experience

Innovative Imaging Technology:

Our Radiology Department is committed to delivering comprehensive and cutting-edge imaging services to aid in accurate diagnosis and treatment procedures. We endeavour to provide the finest quality of treatment to our patients by using state-of-the-art equipment supported by a team of expert radiologists.

Radiologists with extensive experience:

Our Radiology Department is manned by highly experienced and board-certified radiologists with vast expertise in medical image interpretation. They collaborate with other medical professionals to give accurate and timely reports, allowing for more efficient and successful treatment planning.

Our procedures & services

We provide a comprehensive range of imaging services to meet a variety of medical needs, including:

Targeted Imaging for Foetal abnormalities

Targeted Imaging for Foetal abnormalities (TIFFA) Scans, Antenatal Pregnancy Scans: Advanced ultrasound scans to monitor foetal development, diagnose abnormalities, and assure the well-being of pregnant women and their new-borns.

Digital X-ray:

Allows for quick and precise imaging of bones and the chest, which aids in the diagnosis of fractures, infections, and respiratory disorders.

2D echocardiogram:

An ultrasound of the heart to examine its structure and function, which aids in the diagnosis of heart diseases and the assessment of heart valve anomalies.

Image-Guided (Ultrasound) Biopsies:

Ultrasound-guided tissue sample that aids in the diagnosis of tumours and other abnormalities for appropriate treatment planning.


Ultrasonography is a non-invasive imaging technique that uses sound waves to see interior organs, blood vessels, and soft tissues, assisting in the diagnosis of a variety of medical disorders.

3D Mammography:

A type of breast imaging that provides detailed three-dimensional images for accurate evaluations and is used to identify breast cancer in its early stages.

Stress X-ray and Arthrography:

Using contrast dye for detailed imaging, assess bones and joints under stress, finding fractures, inflammation, deformities, and arthritic diseases.

Vascular Doppler:

A non-invasive assessment of blood flow in blood vessels that aids in the diagnosis of circulatory problems, deep vein thrombosis (DVT), and arterial illnesses.

Results that are timely and accurate:

We realise the significance of rapid and accurate imaging results in medical diagnosis and treatment. Our Radiology Department prioritises speed in reporting to attending physicians, ensuring that patients get timely and appropriate medical care.

Available doctors



Scheduling an appointment:

You can be confident that you are in good hands when you pick Ramya Hospitals’ Radiology Department. We are devoted to providing the finest level of treatment by utilising cutting-edge technology and the expertise of our radiologists.


Contact us now to arrange an imaging appointment or to learn more about the services provided by our Radiology Department.


To get started, click on the link below.